Ward 12 Candidate Information
Several media outlets gathered information on candidates and conducted interviews to assist voters with their research. A live debate was also held and broadcast via YouTube. Below you will find a list of all the councillor candidates for Ward 12 in Calgary as well as the links to the candidate interviews and survey responses that were conducted and compiled by third party media sources when the information was available for a majority of the candidates from the same source.

Candidate List
- Source: Elections Calgary Website

Live Debate
Recorded September 30th - Orange Shirt Day and the first ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Mike LaValley
Steven Phan
Craig Chandler
Teresa Hargreaves
Evan Spencer
John Duta
Michael Streilein
Calgary Herald Questionnaire Responses
Click each candidate to view:
Craig Chandler - Not Available
John (Chubby Hubby) Duta - Not Available

Danielle Smith Interviews
Mike LaValley
Craig Chandler
Steven Phan
Teresa Hargreaves
Evan Spencer
Interviews not available for John Dutta, Dirk Fontaine, or Michael Streilien.