Thank you for considering a contribution to my campaign! Please be advised that there are some legislated rules with regards to contributions.
- Prohibited organizations, including corporations and unincorporated organizations, including trade unions and employee organizations, are prohibited from contributing to municipal election campaigns. No corporation or unincorporated organization, including a trade union and employee organization, and no individual ordinarily residing outside Alberta, shall make a contribution to a candidate. Only an individual ordinarily residing in Alberta may make a contribution to a candidate.
- No individual ordinarily residing in Alberta shall contribute in any campaign period an amount that exceedsï‚· $5,000 per candidate for election as councillors
Choose your contribution amount.
You can contribute almost any specific amount you would like. For example, should you wish to contribute $150, the easiest way is to select the $50 amount and then choose a quantity of 3. Thanks for your support!

In the interest of transparency, the following is an up to date list of donors to the campaign. By law, all contributions must be reported after the election. This list provides information for those concerned as to who may be financing a candidate. Thank you to all who have made donations so far!
Donor List:
Those making contributions of under $500:
R. Fisk
M. Maruyama
H. Stewart
A. Pelley
J. Korinetz
P. Boskovich
S. Rana
G. West
S Campbell
Those making contributions of $500 or more:
R. Delacretaz
M. Jackson
J. Schmidt
B. Wettergreen
R. Nickel
D. LaValley
G. Trutina